Welcome everyone to today's post. Today's post will teach you how to change your date of birth. Nowadays, many people use Facebook in Nepal and the policy of Facebook is also changing day by day. For this reason, we must keep our original date of birth in our document on Facebook. What will happen if there is a problem in the next day or for some other reason, our Facebook account is lost, in that case, we can return the deleted Facebook account by submitting all our documents to Facebook. So, friends, we must keep our original date of birth on Facebook. In this way, we will teach you how to change your date of birth on Facebook from your own mobile, that is, how to keep the original date of birth. If you also want to change your date of birth on your Facebook account, see this post until the end. Because I have tried to teach you in a good way in this post.
Friends, you all know we created a Facebook account. But sometimes we don't keep our real date of birth. And put some years in guess and later when we try to change our original date of birth Facebook doesn't allow us to change our date of birth. This gives us a big problem. So in this article, I will tell you how to change your date of birth easily.
We all know Facebook is a great social network. Which connects your family home friend brother best friend or other whole person online and makes sharing very easy. We can open our personal account, business account or any page and upload photos, videos or any other posts or anything we like so that our information, thoughts, photos, videos, and other social networkers are connected with us or you are our friends, friends, friends. etc. or any other person can share our thoughts by viewing our photo videos comments and share. Therefore, in today's world, Facebook has become an important and essential communication tool. And if we look at the present, more than 12 million users have joined Facebook from Nepal alone. Therefore, today Facebook is established as the world's largest network.
Friends, in the above paragraph we learned about the general information about Facebook, what is Facebook, and how to create an account on Facebook, now let's learn about how to change your date of birth on Facebook.
Note: In today's article I will inform you about two ways to change your date of birth on Facebook and from these two ways we can change your date of birth on Facebook. You can use one method and only if that method doesn't work then you can use the second method.
Friends, this method is the most popular method to change your date of birth on Facebook. Many people change their date of birth on their Facebook by this method. First, let's discuss this method.
To Change your Facebook Date of Birth Follow these instructions :
Step 1:
Now, friends, you may first open your Facebook account and go to your Facebook profile.
Step 2:
Then you can see there many options and now you go to the end scroll down and when you look at the end there is an option called See More About Yourself click on that option.
Step 3:
Now you scroll down to two or three steps and then you see the main option called Basic Info and within that, there is an option called Birthday. Yes, there is a pencil icon on the right side of the birthday option, click on the pencil icon.
Step 4:
Now friends here your complete date of birth is shown. Now select your birth year first. And then next to that, there is an option to make the air public or private, select that option as per your requirement. Now after selecting the birth year, the birth month and day is shown above it and then on the right side there is an option to make it private or public, select that option as per your requirement.
Step 5:
Now after doing this, you will see the last two options to save and cancel. You can now save your changed date of birth by clicking on the Save option. In this way, friends, the date of birth you are trying to change will be changed.
Step 6:
Your final Date of Birth has now been changed to your Facebook account. Now go back and look at your profile. Yes, friends, you can easily change your date of birth on Facebook using this method.
So today in this post we learn how to change the date of birth in your Facebook account. Hope your date of birth has changed. Friends, you can easily change your date of birth in this way and I believe this post will be very useful for you if after reading this post, your date of birth changes in your Facebook account i.e. if you like this method then don't forget to follow our blogger website and connect with us.
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